Author: J. C. PARIKH

There is a tendency, of course, for us to think of human development as taking place during the so-called developmental period, that is, from birth, or conception, to adulthood. It is obvious, however, that significant changes occur throughout life and that many of these changes, particularly changes in functioning and in functional capacity, which occur after adult status are reached are of particular interest and importance in developmental psychology. Adulthood, which for convenience of discussion we divide into a number of sub-periods or phases, is our main interest and concern in this book .

Contents: Psychology of Human Brain  Behaviour and Experimentation Personality in General Behaviour Human Psychology  Psychology of Thinking  Measurement of Intelligence  Nervous System Psychological Experiments Psychology of Attention  Psychology of Emotional Development  Education and Psychology  Psychology of Behaviour and Motives  International Relations.

ISBN 9788189996314



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