Author: Prof. A. Balkrishna

The human body is a living machine with a complex mechanism of creation, the makeup of which should be familiar to every sports professional, and physical educator as an essential part of the educational experience of the Sports and Physical Education curriculum. Just as it is important for a good motorist to have a working knowledge of the combustion engine of his motor car, a physical and sports educator ought to have an elementary knowledge of the functions of the structure of the human body. The study of the structure of the human body is known as Anatomy. This is a term derived from the Greek word ANATOMY, which literally means ' to cut up. Physiology is a study of the functions of the body; and again derived from two Greek words ' PHYSIS AND LOGOS ', which mean ' A knowledge of nature '. Anatomy and Physiology are, of course, only two of the many branches of science studied together. These give a picture of the building of the human frame and its working. Anatomy and Physiology are core subjects in the medical curriculum. Without the knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology, it is impossible to understand the changes caused by a disease in various organs and the organism as a whole. The knowledge of the structure and functions of the organism is necessary for the treatment of a disease, which is a first and foremost duty of a Medical Doctor.


Chapters: Introduction, Structure of the Cell, The Skeletal System (Osteology), The Muscular System, The Digestive System, The Respiratory System, The Circulatory System,  The Excretory System, The Endocrine System, The Nervous System, The Sport Sciences.

ISBN 978-81-7216-392-1



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