Author: D. James

This little book is intended not so much for the student of psychology as for the ordinary man. It is true it has been written partly with the purpose of meeting the needs of W.E.A. classes and courses for social studies, such as the classes the writer has himself had experience teaching in Edinburgh. But, while the needs of such readers have been kept in view throughout, an attempt has also been made to present the matter in a way that would interest and assist the intelligent man in the street who desires to know something about what has been done by the psychologist in this new field. Much psychological activity has been recently manifested in this field of industry and commerce, and it has indeed become imperative that the results should be known to a wider public. That may be taken as the main object of the present work.

Contents: Introduction  The Intelligence of the Worker  The Vocational Fitness of the Worker  Scientific Mental Engineering and Its Organization General Factors Determining Efficiency of Work The Study of Fatigue  Work and Rest Periods  Economy of Movement and Method in Learning Other Factors Influencing Efficiency of Work  Advertising and Display  The Art of the Salesman  Conclusion.

ISBN 9789388539135



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