Author: H. T. Savory

A book about Human Anatomy, if it is not written for medical students, tends to fall into one of two categories. It may be intended to satisfy the natural curiosity of adolescents, in which case it either emphasized the ' marvels of the complexity of structure and the intricacy of function, or it is overloaded with advice, explaining the desirability of cleaning the teeth and the perils of indulgence in a cigarette of a glass of beer. Alternatively, it may be written for the less impressionable but not less inquisitive adult reader, in which case it is apt to treat the body as a unique creation, unlike anything else known to science, unless, perchance, it is briefly described as the last or the highest product of evolution .

Contents:  Man, The Living Organisms The Human Skeleton Respiration System Digestive System Food and Drink: Vitamins Blood, The Heart, and Blood - Vessels Muscular System Nervous System C Hormones
The Sense - Organs The Skin and the Elimination of Waste  Reproduction System Inheritance in Man  Development and Growth Man, The Species Homo Sapiens.

ISBN 9788189902452




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