Author: Sudhir K. Samantaray

We all use the terms, concepts, and principles of psychology either knowingly or unknowingly in our every day - to - day life and probably don't even realize it. In each and every moment of our lives, we speak about psychology and apply its terms and concepts whenever required. We praise or reward our children when they behave according to our needs or obey the norms, regulations, rules, and ethos of society and spank our children for doing something wrong: in general, we are adopting the learning principle of punishment. When we get nervous right before we have to give a speech to a large audience, we are activating our autonomic nervous system and we develop confidence and mentally become prepared to face it. When we talk to ourselves in our heads, telling ourselves to ' calm down ', ' work harder ', or give up ', we are adopting cognitive approaches to change our behaviors and emotions and so on.

Contents: Understanding the Psychology of Mind and Human Behaviour, Major Perspectives and Fields in Psychology, Some Events, and Mile Stones in the Field of Psychology, Some Prominent Figures and Personalities in the Field of Psychology.

ISBN 9788182110125



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