Author: Prof. N. K. Chadha

The book has been written with the aim to provide a comprehensive text to give a detailed understanding of the topic of emotional intelligence. The book has been divided into nine chapters each covering core aspects of emotional intelligence. One of the most important features of the book is that it provides a new model called the 3S model of emotional intelligence developed by the author.


Chapters: Introduction to Emotions, Emergence, and Growth of the Construct of Emotional Intelligence, Models and Measures of Emotional Intelligence, Intelligence, Indian View of Emotional Intelligence, Importance of Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence as a Learnable Competency, Controversies and Criticisms Surrounding Emotional Intelligence, The 3S Model of Emotional Intelligence ( Anand, 2016), Emotional Intelligence: Need of the Hour.

ISBN 978-93-85958-62-5




Friends Publications (India)

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