Author: E. P. Jackson

Contents: Sincerity  What Is Right? The Sense of Duty " Credit, " and other " Rewards of  Good Boys and " Fun "  Virtue is Strength: Vice is Weakness  More About Good Boys and " Fun "  Cleverness and Courage  The Battle  Wars and Rumors of Wars When the Good Boy Will Fight When the Good Boy will not Fight  " Goody - Goody " and Good  The Knight " Sans Peur Et Sans Reproche "  The Attractiveness of Vice  Creeping, Walking and Flying The Doctor is Fairly Caught The Chains of Habit  The Alcohol Habit  Beneficent Lions and Tigers  Truth and Truthfulness  Extravagance in Language  Snakes in the Grass Great are Truth and It will Prevail Honesty A Black List Honor  When the Cat's Away the Mice Will Play  Nagging  Industry, Wealth, Happiness  Vocation, Vacation and Avocation  Cruelty to Animals  Charity  With Hand and Heart Politeness  Profanity and Obscenity  What Has Algebra to do with Virtue? Home and Country: The Good Son and the Good Citizen.

ISBN 9789385958663




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